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Hello, To be a millionaire in a year is not impossible, in fact it is very achievable if you have someone to guide you, put you through difficult spots and in general mentor you.           The importance of having a mentor cannot be over emphasized. You definitely need one in order to maneuver yourself in this tidal waves to money making in Nigeria. If you have never in your lifetime counted millions of Naira which belong to you , you might think this is just a tall dream. But I tell you it isn’t. If your dream to success does not frighten you then its not big enough and you should always aspire for something higher. Making millions of Naira in your account through email marketing is achievable and it should be what you are aspiring for. Having a great mentor is ideal in order to guide you to making your monthly targets of millions of Naira. As a protégé to a good mentor you will be able to meet this target easily with no stress. ...
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1. Castor Oil Castor oil is probably the most well-known home remedy for gaining long and healthy hair. It’s a life saver for your hair, as it not only speeds up the growth process, but also battles off scalp infections, moisturizes, and boosts volume. These super hero properties are thanks to the fact that castor oil is packed up with vitamin E and omega-9. You can fix up the perfect treatment with castor oil in the comfort of your own home by mixing it with an equivalent amount of a base oil, in order to obtain a more effective consistency. Take the mixture and rub it directly onto your scalp. Let it sit for around thirty to forty-five minutes and then rinse and shampoo. For an extra boost of efficiency, add 4 drops of rosemary oil to 1 ounce of castor oil and repeat the process described above.  This home remedy is so great that you can use it for longer eyelashes, as well, by applying it with a cotton swab. 2. Green Tea         ...
WAYS TO PLEASE A MAN WASH HIS CAR. You don't have to be in a bikini or anything like in the movies. Just save him a trip to the car wash. WATCH BASEBALL WITH HIM. Yeah, baseball is the most boring sport in the world, but men who watch it need company. BAKE CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIES. Homemade cookies are the best. ORDER PIZZA. Everyone loves pizza. There's no better way to get a man's (or woman's) attention. PRETEND YOU CARE ABOUT WHATEVER HE'S TALKING ABOUT. Just not and smile and you'll get through this. WATCH A MOVIE YOU DON'T CARE ABOUT BUT HE LOVES. Repeat after me: "The original trilogy was better." GET INTO A TV SHOW WITH HIM. Every couple needs at least one show they watch together. BUY HIM CLOTHES. Fact: he needs socks. Other fact: he will never remember to buy himself socks. GET HIM A DEEP FRYER. This makes any food better. Any. Food. ORGANIZE HIS SOCK DRAWER. It should help them...
Natural Ways to Whiten Teeth at Home- without using harsh chemicals. Why do teeth get yellow? To figure out how to whiten our teeth, we have to know why they get yellow in the first place. There are several factors that play a part, including genetics, what kind of food and drink you consume, and how well you practice oral hygiene. A tooth is made up of 4 tissues-enamel, which is the strong white covering that protects the tooth, dentin, which supports the enamel and is a hard yellow material that carries nerves, pulp, which is at the center of the tooth and contains blood and lymph vessels, and cementum, which covers the root of the tooth. The enamel and dentin is what play the biggest role in color. Certain food and drinks will directly stain the enamel, yes, but over time the two biggest culprits are the nasty food and drink that actually break down the enamel, and weakening enamel as we age. As the enamel breaks down, it reveals the yellow dentin underneath. These remedies ...
Try these ways to make sex with your partner mind blowing Are you ready to have the time and the orgasm of your life? Like it or not most of us do know that our bedroom action could use a boost, in fact a lot of boost. When we do hear other women talk about having mind blowing sex with their partners resulting into multiple orgasms the rest of us who do not even have an idea what an orgasm is tends to feel very much left out.  A lot of men and women do say they need to spice up their sex life and make it more fun, playful and adventurous. In fact most people wish they could have Mind blowing sex. And since sex rates high as one of the most enjoyable pleasure we can experience, the idea of having the type of sex that is mind blowing and unforgettable appeals to a large number of men and women either gay, straight or bisexual.   Although a lot of people do wish they could have unforgettable sex with their partners, it is still puzzling that most people will settl...