Hello, To be a millionaire in a year is not impossible, in fact it is very achievable if you have someone to guide you, put you through difficult spots and in general mentor you. The importance of having a mentor cannot be over emphasized. You definitely need one in order to maneuver yourself in this tidal waves to money making in Nigeria. If you have never in your lifetime counted millions of Naira which belong to you , you might think this is just a tall dream. But I tell you it isn’t. If your dream to success does not frighten you then its not big enough and you should always aspire for something higher. Making millions of Naira in your account through email marketing is achievable and it should be what you are aspiring for. Having a great mentor is ideal in order to guide you to making your monthly targets of millions of Naira. As a protégé to a good mentor you will be able to meet this target easily with no stress. ...
1. Castor Oil Castor oil is probably the most well-known home remedy for gaining long and healthy hair. It’s a life saver for your hair, as it not only speeds up the growth process, but also battles off scalp infections, moisturizes, and boosts volume. These super hero properties are thanks to the fact that castor oil is packed up with vitamin E and omega-9. You can fix up the perfect treatment with castor oil in the comfort of your own home by mixing it with an equivalent amount of a base oil, in order to obtain a more effective consistency. Take the mixture and rub it directly onto your scalp. Let it sit for around thirty to forty-five minutes and then rinse and shampoo. For an extra boost of efficiency, add 4 drops of rosemary oil to 1 ounce of castor oil and repeat the process described above. This home remedy is so great that you can use it for longer eyelashes, as well, by applying it with a cotton swab. 2. Green Tea ...